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Wholesale Hotel & Spa Towels

Wholesale Hotel & Spa Towels

This is the subcategory page for wholesale Hotel Towels. Because of the large number of products, we've further divided this subcategory into 6 additional subcategories. Use the "Navigation" box to your right ---------> to view each page.

You're probably here because you own or manage a hotel, motel, resort, or similar lodging property and are looking to buy wholesale hotel towels at cheap prices. Or, you might own or manage a spa, health club, or similar service oriented business and are looking for a low cost wholesale linen distributor. Either way, Factory Direct Linen can meet your needs.

If you've ordered from us in the past, you're familiar with our online sales model and product lines. If you're new to Factory Direct Linen, here's what you need to know about our company and our wholesale hotel towels:

Our sales model is entirely web-based. This keeps our costs (and your prices) low. On the following pages, you'll be presented with 6 different brands of wholesale hotel towels ranging in quality from 1/2 star – 5 stars. A brief overview of each page appears below: 

Classic (1/2 Star) - These are VERY low quality/low cost towels for customers on an extreme budget - by that we mean they're "BELOW Motel 6 quality".

Merlin (1 Star) - We refer to these towels as "Motel 6 quality" - by that we mean they're below average, but not the absolute bottom of the quality spectrum. 

Oxford Cam (2 Stars) - We refer to these towels as "Best Western quality" - by that we mean they're average quality, but well-constructed. They're durable towels that will get the job done without breaking the budget, but they're not designed to impress. 

Oxford Dobby (3 Stars) - We refer to these towels as "Hilton quality" - by that we mean they're slightly above average.

Imperiale (4 Stars) - We refer to these towels as "Sheraton quality" - by that we mean they're great quality, but not quite luxury. 

Miasma (5 Stars) - We refer to these towels as "luxury spa quality" - by that we mean they're very high quality, luxury towels. 

Use the "Navigation" box above to learn more about each style and, if you're ready, to place an order. Not sure where to start? Why not start at the beginning with our Classic wholesale hotel towels?


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